I read a two books which I bought in Japan.
One is a book about former company chairman, president of "TOYOTA motor corporation"
The other is a book about former company president (present company chairman) of "Panasonic"
”中村邦夫 「幸之助神話」を壊した男”
Mr.Okuda and Mr.Nakamura, both managers are called as a leader who reformed ”a flagging big company” in this past decade. In fact, TOYOTA and Panasonic, both recorded quite good profitabilities of the companies in 2007 and their management expertise are more and more drawing attention.
At least until recently, famous "heroes" of Japanese bussiness world were always entrepreneur manager, who founded a company and succeeded as a company manager. In contrast, Mr.Okuda and Mr.Nakamura are, so to speak, reformers. It might be one of the reason that those books gave me very new and interesting impressions about "contemporary" company managements.
The situation and methodology of two are common in some part and different in other parts.
For example, management's rationalization, adaptation of "Japanese company" toward globalization, speed up of decision making and implementation etc are noticed in both.
I'd like to write a little bit more about each details in following posts.
Today's song: "Knock 'Em Out" by Lily Allen.