There was very fascinating and interesting presentation in my department today!
One professor from Denmark, presented his project in "Marine Biotechnology".
He joined a project organized by Danish government and there many researchs from a broad range of fields and sailer's had sailed a oceans for total more than 6 months period.
He said "he was diving to collect many samples and study in the small lab in the boat day and night!"
and "the experience there cruise sounds very very great! (both scientifically and also personally)"
And it was actually his dream when he was child to sail away to the ocean to study biology there!
(Since he is actually the expert of protein science, and it was the first time for him to ride a boat and stay for a long time on the sea.)
His message the ending were,
"Biotechnology is not only the things in the lab, but also there's a lot of things outside to be found!"
And also "Never give up your dream"
It sounds very fascinating, doesn't it?