It has been sooooooooo long time since I update my weblog last time.... I would like to say sorry, in case there's anybody who visited this weblog and to read my writing..
First of all, I just try to explain why I have decided to change the title of weblog.
The former title "Wandering in somewhere, somehow..." was to express my feeling in Sweden.
I hope anybody, who have stayed abroad with a good memory, can imagine the same feeling to some extent. I was feeling that I was always wandering, being released from my homeland.
BUT, the situation is different now, because I am in my home country again!
Anyway, I have been in Japan again(?) since this March, because, at this moment, I work as a Postdoctoral Researcher at National Institute of Material Science (NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan.
Today's song: "Kumonoue" by Ketsumeishi (Japanese hip-hop band)